Here's the good part! We've picked out furniture. It's a nice classic looking white crib and changing table/dresser. I also got a new beautiful glider and ottoman off Ebay for more than $100 off what I'd have paid at Target. And I even got my indecisive self to commit to a theme! I must have had 30 bedding sets bookmarked on my computer, and I managed to MAKE A DECISION! And even go ahead and BUY it!
Check it out:

Here's why I like the "Playful Puppies" set:
1. We're huge animal lovers, and we especially adore dogs. The kid had better like dogs, too, or we will SEND HIM BACK!
2. I like that it's boyish, but not too much so. I wasn't wild about the car/truck/sport themed bedding.
3. It should be nice for baby to interact with and look at. I was this-close to going with a set from Pottery Barn that was pretty, but would provide zero stimulation or fun for him. This bedding set has all sorts of material, color, and stitching to touch and look at.
Now, I didn't go overboard and buy EVERYTHING you can see in that picture. I just got the bedding, the cute lampshade, the wall hanging, and the valance. The rest of the stuff was just puppy overload, even for me, and I likes the puppies.
But here's where I need help. I need to commit to a paint color. Actually, two paint colors. My plan was to install a chair rail in the room, and paint one color above the rail and one color below. Sort of like this:

You get the idea. But what paint colors should I use? I've been leaning toward a dark blue and a light blue. Then I could do a few light green accents, like little baskets or something. But there are other combinations. I could do a blue and a light green paint. Or blue and cream. Or green and cream. GAHHHH!
Help a girl out and tell me what you think might look nice. Winner gets the right to gloat over how great her decorating taste is. And more internet hugs from me. Cuz I loves ya.