Just 17 days until this little boy is due. I know, I know... he could come late. But he could also come early!
I'm really hoping for an early arrival. The past few days, this pregnancy has really been kicking my ass. My back is killing me, and oddly enough, it feels fine when I move or stand up. It's when I sit down or prop myself up in bed that I feel awful and get these shooting pains in the middle of my back. I've taken to sitting on my big rubber exercise ball at home, which feels fantastic.
I just feel like he's so much heavier now, and I am feeling more pressure/pain very low, like he's punching my cervix sometimes. No contractions yet, at least nothing that I am aware of. My body has done such a good job dealing with this pregnancy that I feel bad complaining now, but I'm carrying a lot of weight on a pretty small frame. It's about time I started to feel bad, I guess! :)
Along with the discomfort, comes a bad attitude. I'm definitely not the most cheerful person right now. I've snapped at poor Jason a bunch of times, and I don't even feel like talking much. At work, I sit in my own little world and ignore all the activity around me. It's like all my energy is going into just making it through each day as we head to the finish line.
The good news is that we are getting lots of things ready for baby's arrival. We finished everything in the nursery over the weekend, except for hanging the curtains. Once we get those up, I'll post some pics. I absolutely love how it turned out!
We have our Pack n Play, bouncer seat, swing, stroller, and carseat all set up and ready to go. Wow, we have a lot of gear for such a tiny little person!
Other good news... Jason will be off his crutches on Thursday, so he'll be able to move around much better. That should take a lot of pressure off me to do things around the house. He's been trying to do a lot to help, but there's only so much you can do when you are on crutches. He'll be in a walking cast for a few weeks, but at least he'll be walking!
And... despite the fact that I feel like my skin is just sort of tightly wrapped around the baby's butt, elbows, and knees right now, STILL no stretch marks. Even if they cropped up now, I can't imagine they'd get too big. Yay for that.
I'm too tired to come up with some sort of conclusion to this mish-mash of an update... so I'll just say bye for now!
I'm really hoping for an early arrival. The past few days, this pregnancy has really been kicking my ass. My back is killing me, and oddly enough, it feels fine when I move or stand up. It's when I sit down or prop myself up in bed that I feel awful and get these shooting pains in the middle of my back. I've taken to sitting on my big rubber exercise ball at home, which feels fantastic.
I just feel like he's so much heavier now, and I am feeling more pressure/pain very low, like he's punching my cervix sometimes. No contractions yet, at least nothing that I am aware of. My body has done such a good job dealing with this pregnancy that I feel bad complaining now, but I'm carrying a lot of weight on a pretty small frame. It's about time I started to feel bad, I guess! :)
Along with the discomfort, comes a bad attitude. I'm definitely not the most cheerful person right now. I've snapped at poor Jason a bunch of times, and I don't even feel like talking much. At work, I sit in my own little world and ignore all the activity around me. It's like all my energy is going into just making it through each day as we head to the finish line.
The good news is that we are getting lots of things ready for baby's arrival. We finished everything in the nursery over the weekend, except for hanging the curtains. Once we get those up, I'll post some pics. I absolutely love how it turned out!
We have our Pack n Play, bouncer seat, swing, stroller, and carseat all set up and ready to go. Wow, we have a lot of gear for such a tiny little person!
Other good news... Jason will be off his crutches on Thursday, so he'll be able to move around much better. That should take a lot of pressure off me to do things around the house. He's been trying to do a lot to help, but there's only so much you can do when you are on crutches. He'll be in a walking cast for a few weeks, but at least he'll be walking!
And... despite the fact that I feel like my skin is just sort of tightly wrapped around the baby's butt, elbows, and knees right now, STILL no stretch marks. Even if they cropped up now, I can't imagine they'd get too big. Yay for that.
I'm too tired to come up with some sort of conclusion to this mish-mash of an update... so I'll just say bye for now!
The last stretch of cooking babies is the toughest (well, so is the beginning with the puking your brains out). I had the same back issues when I was pregnant. I could stand and be fine, but sitting down was hell.
Hang in there, girly...almost :)
Hang in there sister....not much longer now!!!
Pressure down there is a good thing! I had the back problems to.
You didn't mention that your bag was packed. Is it?
Any day now!
I keep wondering if it's happening for you yet...so close!
It's so soon!! HOORAY!
Complain all you like, that's what blogging is FOR!
I FEEL your pain (my due date is 18 days away.) I must say that getting things arranged for the baby (putting things together, etc) has been about the only thing to make me really happy lately! Did you ever realized how many batteries were needed for baby gear?! I didn't!
17 days? Well, 16 now. Wow! I know it's hard. These last few weeks will kick your ass but you are so close to the finish line (for the pregnancy that is). Hang in there!
Well, if the stretch marks haven't come yet, then great. You must have kept the skin's natural moisturising effect with natural hydration.
There's a free e-book and newsletter that gives a lot of tips and techniques to prevent or eliminate stretch marks but most of it is common sense -- you know, moisturising, hydrating, avoiding the rapid weight gain and weight loss ... then again, there's some secrets that even most doctors won't tell you.
Hope it all works out well for you.
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