Lilypie1st Birthday Ticker
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Quick update
Had my first internal check this morning at the doctor's office.

No dilation yet, but there's some good news! Apparently the baby's head is engaged in the birth canal at zero station, which means he's slowly on his way outta there!

My cervix is also 50% effaced right now, so it seems like my body is taking the necessary steps before labor begins. Of course, labor could start anytime, but I can't get my hopes up that it will happen anytime soon. I still have 10 days until my due date, so we'll see what happens.

At least we're making some progress!


Blogger liz said...

I can't believe you're about to have this baby. I know that it doesn't seem like it's going quickly...but I can't believe how quickly your pregnancy has gone by!
Now the waiting, huh?
At this point in my pregnancy, I loved going for pedicures. I went twice a week. Not because my tootsies were that in need, but because I enjoyed the pampering so much. And the tiny little Korean women rubbing my belly and taking bets!

Blogger L Sass said...

Soon soon soon!!

So exciting!

Blogger Melissa said...

When I saw "Quick update" I thought maybe you were on your way to the hospital, and I got all excited. :) But SOON!!! Just wait till you hold your baby in your arms... there's nothing like it, nothing in the world.

Blogger Silly Hily said...

Yippee for your body knowing what's up, or I guess I should say, what's coming down....a BABY! Your little baby boy! Oh me oh my, he'll be here soon. I'm so freakin' excited.

Blogger Unknown said...

Wow...seems like last week you posted your first belly pics!! How exciting...I'll be thinking of you and anytime you go more than a day or two without posting, I'll be certain you're in the hospital.

Because we're all nosey, you need to give your sister or Jason your Blogger info so they can let us know when the boy arrives :)

Blogger Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

Whoohooo, here's to pain free effacing and babies moving down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He will be here soon!

Blogger Alison said...

Yay congratulations on some progress. I have an appointment tomorrow and I think I might break down if they don't tell me there is SOMETHING happening down there! Good luck on labor soon!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm with Kellie! Is there someone that could post for you? This is so exciting!

It seems like yesterday you were announcing you were pg.

Hope your labor is quick and easy. :)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very exciting! I'm enjoying reading about your adventures into momma-hood, can't believe it's all so soon!

I am really amazed. Today I spent a lot of my spare time trying to find something interesting on this topic. Finally I found your site. Thanks for that!

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